Reflexology ~ Reiki ~ ScarWork ~ Massage ~ Manual Lymphatic Drainage ~ Myofascial Release ~ Oncology Therapies
Hi I'm Tina
Principal Therapist at Head 2 Heal Therapies
Head 2 Heal Therapies offers affordable and bespoke treatments to support Women's health and well-being, throughout all their life transitions and challenges.
One of my unique approaches is to utilise Combination Treatments which draw the benefits of multiple therapies in a single session, tailored to each individual client's needs.
I am experienced in helping Women undergoing treatment for cancer, or with a history of cancer, through therapies that include: Oncology Reflexology, Oncology Massage, Reiki and ScarWork, in both my private practice and for 3 years at the Macmillan Cancer Support Centre at East Surrey Hospital.
As a member of The Complimentary Therapists Association, I hold accredited qualifications in various modalities, namely:
Massage Therapies, including... Oncology, Holistic, Deep Tissue, Pregnancy, Indian Head and Natural Facelift Massage
Reflexology Therapies, including... General Reflexology, Oncology & Palliative Care and Prenatal & Pregnancy Reflexology
ScarWork Therapies including...
General ScarWork post surgery (excluding cosmetic surgery), ScarWork after Breast Cancer, ScarWork for C-Section, Pelvic and Abdominal scars
Further Therapies, include... Reiki, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Myofascial Release
A client once said to me
"Tina, I walked in here just over an hour ago
and now I feel like I'm floating out!"
Wonderful feedback like this continues to drive my passion to keep making positive differences in Women's lives, across all ages.