Reflexology ~ Reiki ~ ScarWork ~ Massage ~ Manual Lymphatic Drainage ~ Myofascial Release ~ Oncology Therapies

Head 2 Heal Therapies
For a natural way to heal
mind, body & soul
I’m an experienced Holistic Therapist in Croydon specialising in running a professional therapy practice for Women and I'm a firm believer in taking an holistic approach to health and healing. Through my practice, I strive to create bespoke treatments for my clients on each visit, to promote their well-being and health by firstly discussing and understanding their needs and then agreeing on a therapy session that meets those needs and also rebalances, energises, invokes a deep sense of relaxation, helping to improve their mind, body and soul health and to allow them to face their day to day feeling uplifted and renewed
Treatment Options
Reflexology ~ Reiki ~ ScarWork ~ Massage ~ Myofascial Release ~ Lymphatic DrainageÂ
See below for therapy treatment options
Everybody, and I mean quite literally..."Every Body", holds the key to its own healing, but sometimes our body needs a little help. That’s where my services come in and my integrated approach to therapies and health helps to get You back to You

~ Massage Therapies include:
Deep Tissue
Indian Head
Natural Facelift
~ Reflexology Therapies include:
General Reflexology
Preconception & Pregnancy Reflexology
Oncology & Palliative Care Reflexology
~ ScarWork Therapies include:
General ScarWork post surgery (excluding cosmetic surgery scars)
ScarWork after Breast Cancer
ScarWork after C-Section
ScarWork for Pelvic & Abdominal scars
~ Additional Therapies include:
Reiki, Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Fascial Release

Each of these treatments offer unique health benefits, leaving you with an improved sense of wellbeing and a feeling of deep relaxation. Treatments stimulate the body into balancing and healing itself, enabling you to take positive steps and control towards improving your own health, energy and wellbeing

"Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from mental distractions, the gates of the soul open"
B.K.S Iyengar
Contact Me
If you have a history of, or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer and would like support through oncology holistic therapies, or would like ScarWork after your surgery to assist with scar integration, comfort and improved range of movement, please get in touch to find out how I may support
If you have scars, no matter how old or recent that can benefit from ScarWork - C-Section, pelvic, abdominal, non cosmetic surgery scars, get in touch to find out how I may support
If you are looking for a unique present for a special woman in your life contact me about my Gift Vouchers and give the gift of wellness
If you are a Bride To Be or Pregnant and looking for holistic therapies to accompany you on your unique journey to The Big Day!
Based next to Ashburton Park & Woodside Green in Croydon, with free on street parking. Kindly note that this is a therapy practice for ladies
Text, call or leave a voicemail on
07956 031681